Visitation Policy

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Visitation Policy

Elegance Living strives to support resident family and social connections while promoting the safety and well-being of those residing in and visiting the community. To accomplish this, visitors are asked to adhere to the community visitation policy:

  • If allowed by state guidelines, communities should allow responsible visitation for all residents, regardless of vaccination status of the resident or visitor.
  • Residents may have visitors at any time, provided that the visitation is conducted in a manner that does not infringe on the rights of other residents, and subject to any restrictions issued by the state licensing authority, local health department or other governing agency authorized to place restrictions on visitation.
  • Until all COVID-19 protocols are lifted by the state and local authorities, it is requested that all visitors complete a visitor. screening tool and follow the infection control protocols outlined by the tool which are routinely updated to include current CDC and local health department regulations.
  • Visitors shall not be required to submit proof of any vaccination or immunization.
  • The Community does not place restrictions on the length of visitation except to the extent that visitors wishing to stay overnight will need prior approval from the Executive Director.
  • The Community does not place restrictions on the number of visitors a resident may have except to the extent that such visitation does not infringe on the rights of other residents or violate a public health order or local regulation.
  • The Director of Health and Wellness or designee will ensure staff adhere to policies and procedures related to infection control and visitation.
  • Nothing in this policy shall be interpreted to violate the following Resident Rights related to visitation.
  • A resident may designate a visitor who is a family member, friend, guardian, or other individual as an essential caregiver.
    • In-person visitation by the essential caregiver will be permitted for no less than 2 hours daily in addition to any other visitation. The Community shall not require that a resident designated essential caregiver provide essential care to a resident
    • Resident in-person visitation shall not be denied in the following circumstances unless the resident objects:
    • End of life situations
    •  A resident who was living with family before being admitted to the provider’s care is struggling with the change in environment and lack of in-person family support
    • The resident is making one or more major medical decisions
    • A resident is experiencing emotional distress or grieving the loss of a friend or family member who recently died
    • A resident needs cueing or encouragement to eat or drink which was previously provided by a family member or caregiver
    • A resident who used to talk and interact with others is seldom speaking
  • Consensual physical contact between a resident and the visitor is permitted.

We appreciate your partnership in promoting a safe and healthy environment for our residents, team members and friends.

(Applicable to all Elegance Living managed communities operating in the state of Florida.)